Lose Weight?
Gain Muscle?
Be healthier?
Not waste Time!!
Zen Commando Fitness
"Train Smarter, NOT HARDER!"
"I've been involved in fitness for over 35 years and my approach to training is proven! I grew up playing sports, competed as a teenage bodybuilder, spent a career in military special operations and for two decades raced in ultra-endurance and adventure sports. No matter what your goals, my training approach is simple and can be used by all no matter what your fitness level."



What's in it for you??
1. "The Zen Commando Split Program." A simple method of programming your workouts
2. How to train anywhere. No more need for expensive memberships! Get more time back in your life without having to go to a fitness center
3. How to eat and live in accordance with nature. Eating and living for optimization is one of the simplest things to do, but the most DIFFICULT! Let me show you how to make it easy
Other than accomplishing the results you desire, you also learn:
Signup Now!
Types of training available:
1. Personal training sessions (Costa Rica only). Prices start at $40.00 / hour depending on location near Dominical. 30-day training packages are available.
2. Youth Training. Want to develop a physically strong base like I did when I was a teenager? Let me show you how! Inquire below
3. Virtual sessions are available. Email Todd at todd@zencommando.com to learn more
***Results are guaranteed in 30 days or your money back!!